17 research outputs found

    Las referencias socio-culturales del cine de autor como problema traductológico en la didáctica de la subtitulación en España: serbio-español

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    Esta tesis presenta un acercamiento teórico-traductológico del tratamiento de las referencias socioculturales en la subtitulación de las películas de cine de autor, para la Traducción Audiovisual, disciplina que se integra dentro del campo de los Estudios de Traducción. El aparato teórico se basa, por una parte, en la consideración de la traducción como un producto sociocultural del polisistema receptor diseñado por el teórico Gideon Toury y Even-Zohar y su metodología descriptiva en estudios de traducción y, por otro, en la necesidad de recurrir a la observación y análisis de textos audiovisuales traducidos como única fuente del proceso mismo de la traducción, suficientemente fiable de extraer los datos. Para la realización de esta tesis, es decir para su base experimental nos sirvió la película Gato negro, gato blanco del director de origen serbio Emir Kusturica que contiene la lista de diálogos original en serbio y traducción subtitulada hecha en castellano. Se hizo un estudio experimental, es decir el análisis de correlación entre las referencias socioculturales en dicha película y las estrategias de traducción. Los distintos capítulos de la tesis (en total hay siete) estudian, entre otros temas, el tratamiento de las Realia socioculturales de varios tipos, las expresiones coloquiales, las expresiones idiomáticas, los aspectos semiótico en la traducción restringida como es la subtitulación, las canciones intercaladas y su respectiva problemática traductológica y el comportamiento traductológico respecto a la extranjerización/ domesticación del texto audiovisual fuente hacia la cultura meta con un enfoque didáctico del mismo

    New variants of variable neighbourhood search for 0-1 mixed integer programming and clustering

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    Many real-world optimisation problems are discrete in nature. Although recent rapid developments in computer technologies are steadily increasing the speed of computations, the size of an instance of a hard discrete optimisation problem solvable in prescribed time does not increase linearly with the computer speed. This calls for the development of new solution methodologies for solving larger instances in shorter time. Furthermore, large instances of discrete optimisation problems are normally impossible to solve to optimality within a reasonable computational time/space and can only be tackled with a heuristic approach. In this thesis the development of so called matheuristics, the heuristics which are based on the mathematical formulation of the problem, is studied and employed within the variable neighbourhood search framework. Some new variants of the variable neighbourhood searchmetaheuristic itself are suggested, which naturally emerge from exploiting the information from the mathematical programming formulation of the problem. However, those variants may also be applied to problems described by the combinatorial formulation. A unifying perspective on modern advances in local search-based metaheuristics, a so called hyper-reactive approach, is also proposed. Two NP-hard discrete optimisation problems are considered: 0-1 mixed integer programming and clustering with application to colour image quantisation. Several new heuristics for 0-1 mixed integer programming problem are developed, based on the principle of variable neighbourhood search. One set of proposed heuristics consists of improvement heuristics, which attempt to find high-quality near-optimal solutions starting from a given feasible solution. Another set consists of constructive heuristics, which attempt to find initial feasible solutions for 0-1 mixed integer programs. Finally, some variable neighbourhood search based clustering techniques are applied for solving the colour image quantisation problem. All new methods presented are compared to other algorithms recommended in literature and a comprehensive performance analysis is provided. Computational results show that the methods proposed either outperform the existing state-of-the-art methods for the problems observed, or provide comparable results. The theory and algorithms presented in this thesis indicate that hybridisation of the CPLEX MIP solver and the VNS metaheuristic can be very effective for solving large instances of the 0-1 mixed integer programming problem. More generally, the results presented in this thesis suggest that hybridisation of exact (commercial) integer programming solvers and some metaheuristic methods is of high interest and such combinations deserve further practical and theoretical investigation. Results also show that VNS can be successfully applied to solving a colour image quantisation problem.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceMathematical Institute, Serbian Academy of Sciences and ArtsGBUnited Kingdo

    Life cycle assessment of concrete bridge under the material production and construction phase – ways to reduce climate footprint

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    Utsläpp av växthusgaser bidrar till global uppvärmning som är ett hot mot vårt klimat. Sveriges långsiktiga klimatmål är att inte ha några nettoutsläpp senast år 2045. Infrastrukturen står för en betydande del av klimatpåverkande utsläpp. Utsläppen från väg- och järnvägsbygge kommer mestadels från tillverkning av betong och stål som används för byggnation av broar samt andra byggnadsverk. Tillverkningen av cement, som är en viktig beståndsdel i betong, genererar koldioxidutsläpp som står för cirka 3–4 % av världens totala utsläpp. Syftet med studien är att undersöka klimatpåverkan från betongbroar och identifiera de poster som bidrar till störst klimatavtryck under produkt- och byggproduktionsskedet. Alternativa optimerade lösningar undersöks, vars tyngdpunkt läggs på att främja ett hållbart byggande av betongbroar. För att nå målet med studien har en fallstudie utförts på en plattrambro av betong över gång-och cykelväg. Fallstudien innehåller mestadels en livscykelanalys, som baserats på dokumentanalys, för att kunna identifiera var i produkt-och produktionsskedet de största klimatavtrycken sker. Utöver livscykelanalys utfördes intervjuer för att föreslå mer hållbara alternativ för en minskad klimatpåverkan. Livscykelanalys (LCA) innebär undersökning av en produkts eller tjänsts resurs- och miljökonsekvenser från vaggan till graven och baseras på SS-EN ISO 14000-serien. En byggnadsverks livscykel är indelad huvudsakligen i tre skeden: byggskede, användningsskede och slutskede. Byggskedet delas in i två underkategorier, produkt- och produktionsskedet. Resultatet från studien visade en total klimatpåverkan på 82 711 kg CO2e för produkt-och produktionsskedet, varav de största bidragande faktorerna var betongen och armeringen. Efter åtgärder, som innefattar byte av armeringstyp samt återanvänd fyllnadsmaterial, sänktes den totala klimatpåverkan med 8 244 kg CO2e. Alternativa lösningar som har föreslagits är stålfiberarmerad betong i kantbalkar, höghållfasthetsstål i broräcken, HVO som drivmedel samt framställning av biokol. Betongen ansågs vara lämplig utifrån ett hållbarhetsperspektiv då dess bidragande till koldioxidutsläpp var lägre i jämförelse med andra betongtyper på marknaden, vare sig klimatoptimerade eller konventionella. Armeringen byttes ut till en grönare och närproducerad armeringstyp för att främja miljövänligare materialval samt för att minska på klimatavtryck från transport. Vidare har det konstaterats att förnybara drivmedel är betydande för att reducera klimatpåverkan. För att reducera klimatavtrycket ytterligare kan höghållfasthetsstål i broräcke användas istället för galvaniserat stål. För att främja ett hållbart byggande bör det tas hänsyn till resursanvändning samt återanvändning. Innan återvinning, ska återanvändning ske i första hand i mån av skick och möjlighet för att minska på resursanvändningen.The infrastructure accounts for a significant part of climate-affecting emissions. Emissions from road and railway construction come mostly from the production of concrete and steel used for the construction of bridges and other construction works. The purpose of the study is to investigate the climate impact from concrete bridges and identify the resources that contribute to the largest climate footprint during the material production and construction phase. Alternative optimized solutions are being investigated, whose emphasis is on promoting sustainable construction of concrete bridges. To achieve the goal of the study, a case study was conducted on an integral bridge of concrete. The case study mostly included a life cycle assessment, based on document analysis, in order to be able to identify where in the material production and construction phase the largest climate footprints occur. In addition to life cycle assessment, interviews were conducted to suggest more sustainable alternatives for a reduced climate impact. The results from the study showed a total climate impact of 82,711 kg CO2e from the product and production phase, of which the largest contributing factors were the concrete and the reinforcement. Improved solutions have been proposed in order to reduce the climate impact. The concrete that is used for the bridge was considered suitable from a sustainability perspective because its contribution to carbon dioxide emissions was lower compared to other types of concrete on the market. The reinforcement will be replaced with a greener and locally produced type of reinforcement to promote more environmentally friendly material choices and to reduce the climate footprint from transport. Furthermore, it has been established that renewable fuels are significant in reducing climate impact. To further reduce the climate footprint, high-strength steel in bridge railings can be used instead of galvanized steel. In order to promote sustainable construction, the use of resources should be taken into account

    Life cycle assessment of concrete bridge under the material production and construction phase – ways to reduce climate footprint

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    Utsläpp av växthusgaser bidrar till global uppvärmning som är ett hot mot vårt klimat. Sveriges långsiktiga klimatmål är att inte ha några nettoutsläpp senast år 2045. Infrastrukturen står för en betydande del av klimatpåverkande utsläpp. Utsläppen från väg- och järnvägsbygge kommer mestadels från tillverkning av betong och stål som används för byggnation av broar samt andra byggnadsverk. Tillverkningen av cement, som är en viktig beståndsdel i betong, genererar koldioxidutsläpp som står för cirka 3–4 % av världens totala utsläpp. Syftet med studien är att undersöka klimatpåverkan från betongbroar och identifiera de poster som bidrar till störst klimatavtryck under produkt- och byggproduktionsskedet. Alternativa optimerade lösningar undersöks, vars tyngdpunkt läggs på att främja ett hållbart byggande av betongbroar. För att nå målet med studien har en fallstudie utförts på en plattrambro av betong över gång-och cykelväg. Fallstudien innehåller mestadels en livscykelanalys, som baserats på dokumentanalys, för att kunna identifiera var i produkt-och produktionsskedet de största klimatavtrycken sker. Utöver livscykelanalys utfördes intervjuer för att föreslå mer hållbara alternativ för en minskad klimatpåverkan. Livscykelanalys (LCA) innebär undersökning av en produkts eller tjänsts resurs- och miljökonsekvenser från vaggan till graven och baseras på SS-EN ISO 14000-serien. En byggnadsverks livscykel är indelad huvudsakligen i tre skeden: byggskede, användningsskede och slutskede. Byggskedet delas in i två underkategorier, produkt- och produktionsskedet. Resultatet från studien visade en total klimatpåverkan på 82 711 kg CO2e för produkt-och produktionsskedet, varav de största bidragande faktorerna var betongen och armeringen. Efter åtgärder, som innefattar byte av armeringstyp samt återanvänd fyllnadsmaterial, sänktes den totala klimatpåverkan med 8 244 kg CO2e. Alternativa lösningar som har föreslagits är stålfiberarmerad betong i kantbalkar, höghållfasthetsstål i broräcken, HVO som drivmedel samt framställning av biokol. Betongen ansågs vara lämplig utifrån ett hållbarhetsperspektiv då dess bidragande till koldioxidutsläpp var lägre i jämförelse med andra betongtyper på marknaden, vare sig klimatoptimerade eller konventionella. Armeringen byttes ut till en grönare och närproducerad armeringstyp för att främja miljövänligare materialval samt för att minska på klimatavtryck från transport. Vidare har det konstaterats att förnybara drivmedel är betydande för att reducera klimatpåverkan. För att reducera klimatavtrycket ytterligare kan höghållfasthetsstål i broräcke användas istället för galvaniserat stål. För att främja ett hållbart byggande bör det tas hänsyn till resursanvändning samt återanvändning. Innan återvinning, ska återanvändning ske i första hand i mån av skick och möjlighet för att minska på resursanvändningen.The infrastructure accounts for a significant part of climate-affecting emissions. Emissions from road and railway construction come mostly from the production of concrete and steel used for the construction of bridges and other construction works. The purpose of the study is to investigate the climate impact from concrete bridges and identify the resources that contribute to the largest climate footprint during the material production and construction phase. Alternative optimized solutions are being investigated, whose emphasis is on promoting sustainable construction of concrete bridges. To achieve the goal of the study, a case study was conducted on an integral bridge of concrete. The case study mostly included a life cycle assessment, based on document analysis, in order to be able to identify where in the material production and construction phase the largest climate footprints occur. In addition to life cycle assessment, interviews were conducted to suggest more sustainable alternatives for a reduced climate impact. The results from the study showed a total climate impact of 82,711 kg CO2e from the product and production phase, of which the largest contributing factors were the concrete and the reinforcement. Improved solutions have been proposed in order to reduce the climate impact. The concrete that is used for the bridge was considered suitable from a sustainability perspective because its contribution to carbon dioxide emissions was lower compared to other types of concrete on the market. The reinforcement will be replaced with a greener and locally produced type of reinforcement to promote more environmentally friendly material choices and to reduce the climate footprint from transport. Furthermore, it has been established that renewable fuels are significant in reducing climate impact. To further reduce the climate footprint, high-strength steel in bridge railings can be used instead of galvanized steel. In order to promote sustainable construction, the use of resources should be taken into account

    Benchmarking and evaluating MATLAB derivative-free optimisers for single-objective applications

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    MATLAB® builds in a number of derivative-free optimisers (DFOs), conveniently providing tools beyond conventional optimisation means. However, with the increase of available DFOs and being compounded by the fact that DFOs are often problem dependent and parameter sensitive, it has become challenging to determine which one would be most suited to the application at hand, but there exist no comparisons on MATLAB DFOs so far. In order to help engineers use MATLAB for their applications without needing to learn DFOs in detail, this paper evaluates the performance of all seven DFOs in MATLAB and sets out an amalgamated benchmark of multiple benchmarks. The DFOs include four heuristic algorithms - simulated annealing, particle swarm optimization (PSO), the genetic algorithm (GA), and the genetic algorithm with elitism (GAe), and three direct-search algorithms - Nelder-Mead’s simplex search, pattern search (PS) and Powell’s conjugate search. The five benchmarks presented in this paper exceed those that have been reported in the literature. Four benchmark problems widely adopted in assessing evolutionary algorithms are employed. Under MATLAB’s default settings, it is found that the numerical optimisers Powell is the aggregative best on the unimodal Quadratic Problem, PSO on the lower dimensional Scaffer Problem, PS on the lower dimensional Composition Problem, while the extra-numerical genotype GAe is the best on the Varying Landscape Problem and on the other two higher dimensional problems. Overall, the GAe offers the highest performance, followed by PSO and Powell. The amalgamated benchmark quantifies the advantage and robustness of heuristic and population-based optimisers (GAe and PSO), especially on multimodal problems

    Indole-based hydrazone derivatives: Synthesis, cytotoxicity assessment, and molecular modeling studies

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    In the present study, we report the synthesis, cytotoxicity determination and molecular modeling studies of twelve novel indole-based hydrazone derivatives ( IH1 - IH12 ). To obtain the target molecules, initially, 1 H -indole-2-carboxylic acid and ethanol were heated in the presence of an acid catalyst to yield ethyl 1 H -indole-2-carboxylate. Following the hydrazinolyzation of the ester moiety, the resulting compound, 1 H -indole-2-carbohydrazide reacted with appropriate benzaldehyde derivatives to obtain IH1 - IH12 . The proposed chemical structures of all compounds were confirmed by their 1 H NMR, 13 C NMR, IR, and HRMS data. Additionally, the configuration of C = N bond in IH8 was determined as ( E ) by applying 2D NMR technique, NOESY. Subsequently, the compounds were tested against both colon cancer (HCT116) and lung cancer (A549), as well as healthy lung fibroblast (MRC-5) cell lines to determine their potential as anticancer agents and their selectivity indexes (SI). Based on the obtained data from the antiproliferative MTT assay, HCT116 cell line was more sensitive to our molecules compared to A549. Furthermore, lipophilic halogens were preferable substituents on the phenyl ring for the selective toxicity against cancer cell lines. Drug-likeness analysis carried out by calculating important physicochemical properties of IH1 - IH12 confirmed that they all obey Lipinski's rule of five. Finally, hypoxia inducible factor (HIF)-1 alpha was suggested as the potential biological target of the compounds through molecular docking studies. (c) 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Aromatic Guanylhydrazones for the Control of Heme-Induced Antibody Polyreactivity

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    International audienceIn a healthy immune repertoire, there exists a fraction of polyreactive antibodies that can bind to a variety of unrelated self-and foreign antigens. Apart from naturally polyreactive antibodies, in every healthy individual, there is a fraction of antibody that can gain polyreactivity upon exposure to porphyrin cofactor heme. Molecular mechanisms and biological significance of the appearance of cryptic polyreactivity are not well understood. It is believed that heme acts as an interfacial cofactor between the antibody and the newly recognized antigens. To further test this claim and gain insight into the types of interactions involved in heme binding, we herein investigated the influence of a group of aromatic guanylhydrazone molecules on the heme-induced antibody polyreactivity. From the analysis of SAR and the results of UV−vis absorbance spectroscopy, it was concluded that the most probable mechanism by which the studied molecules inhibit heme-mediated polyreactivity of the antibody is the direct binding to heme, thus preventing heme from binding to antibody and/or antigen. The inhibitory capacity of the most potent compounds was substantially higher than that of chloroquine, a well-known heme binder. Some of the guanylhydrazone molecules were able to induce polyreactivity of the studied antibody themselves, possibly by a mechanism similar to heme. Results described here point to the conclusion that heme indeed must bind to an antibody to induce its polyreactivity, and that both π-stacking interactions and iron coordination contribute to the binding affinity, while certain structures, such as guanylhydrazones, can interfere with these processes

    Upcycling of food waste streams to valuable biopigments pyocyanin and 1-hydroxyphenazine

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    <p>Phenazines, including pyocyanin (PYO) and 1-hydroxyphenazine (1-HP) are extracellular <a href="https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/biochemistry-genetics-and-molecular-biology/secondary-metabolite">secondary metabolites</a> and multifunctional pigments of <a href="https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/biochemistry-genetics-and-molecular-biology/pseudomonas-aeruginosa">Pseudomonas aeruginosa</a> responsible for its blue-green color. These versatile molecules are electrochemically active, involved in significant biological activities giving fitness to the host, but also recognized as antimicrobial and anticancer agents. Their wider application is still limited partly due to the cost of carbon substrate for production, which can be solved by the utilization of carbon from food waste within the biorefinery concept. In this study, a variety of food waste streams (banana peel, potato peel, potato washing, stale bread, yoghurt, processed meat, boiled eggs and mixed canteen waste) was used as sole nutrient source in submerged cultures of <em>P. aeruginosa</em> BK25H. Stale bread was identified as the most suitable substrate to support phenazine biopigments production and bacterial growth. This was further increased in 5-liter fermenter when on average 5.2 mg L<sup>-1</sup> of PYO and 4.4 mg L<sup>-1</sup> of 1-HP were purified after 24 h batch cultivations from the fermentation medium consisting of homogenized stale bread in tap water. Purified biopigments showed moderate <a href="https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/biochemistry-genetics-and-molecular-biology/antimicrobial-activity">antimicrobial activity</a>, and showed different toxicity profiles, with PYO not being toxic against <a href="https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/biochemistry-genetics-and-molecular-biology/caenorhabditis-elegans">Caenorhabditis elegans</a>, a free-living soil nematode up to 300 µg mL<sup>-1</sup> and 1-HP showing lethal effects at 75 µg mL<sup>-1</sup>. Therefore, stale bread waste stream with minimal pretreatment should be considered as suitable biorefinery feedstock, as it can support the production of valuable biopigments such as phenazines.</p&gt

    Illict drug use and academia in North Kosovo: Prevalence, patterns, predictors and health-related quality of life

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    <div><p>Purpose</p><p>The purpose of this study were to estimate the prevalence and patterns of illicit drug use in a sample of University students from North Kosovo, to assess factors associated with illicit drug use and to assess health-related quality of life (HRQoL) among students according to illicit drug use.</p><p>Methods</p><p>A cross-sectional study was conducted at the Student Public Health Center, where 514 University students were enrolled from April to June 2015 in North Kosovo. Participants completed the general socio-demographic and behavioral questionnaire, Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and the SF-36 questionnaire for HRQoL assessment. Data on lifetime illicit drug use were self-reported.</p><p>Results</p><p>As much as 16.0% of students reported ever illicit drug use. The most frequently used drugs were marijuana (9.3%) and bromazepam (7.6%). Factors associated with ever illicit drug use were: being smoker and alcohol user, having chronic diseases and having higher depressive symptoms score. Ever illicit drug users reported all domains of HRQoL as worse.</p><p>Conclusion</p><p>These results could serve as a tool for implementation of preventive strategies and University policies to promote healthy lifestyles and behaviors. Measurement of HRQoL could also be used as indicator of the effect of interventions designed to reduce and/or prevent illicit drug use at institutions of higher education.</p></div